RAD – Old traumatic growth plate injury of radius and ulna with cessation of growth in a 2 year old MN Brittany Spaniel dog

Case Study

RAD – Old traumatic growth plate injury of radius and ulna with cessation of growth in a 2 year old MN Brittany Spaniel dog

This 2 yer old MN Brittany Spanial dog presented with a history of right forelimb shaking at rest and weight-shifting off of it. No lameness or gait abnormality.

Physical Exam: Firm thickening palpated over right distal ulna, decreased extension of right carpus (mild) compared to left. Not painful on palpation, soft tissue feels normal. 


This 2 yer old MN Brittany Spanial dog presented with a history of right forelimb shaking at rest and weight-shifting off of it. No lameness or gait abnormality.

Physical Exam: Firm thickening palpated over right distal ulna, decreased extension of right carpus (mild) compared to left. Not painful on palpation, soft tissue feels normal. 



The radiographic findings are compatible with old traumatic growth plate injury of the right distal radius and ulna with cessation and mild reduction of longitudinal growth.

Image Interpretation

Rads of the front limbs- Right front limb:
Mild swelling localized to the distal radius and ulna growth plate is noted.
The distal radius and ulna growth plates are open and present mild irregular widening
with decreased opacity. The apposing physeal bone surfaces reveal a closed medullary
cavity with sclerosis respectively. A mild amount of smooth new bone is seen in the
former metaphyseal cut back zones, which partially bridges the growth plates.
There is no displacement or angular deformity. Longitudinal growth of the forearm is
reduced by 3 mm compared with the left front limb.
There is no disuse atrophy of the bones and musculature noted.
A minor radial head osetophyte is noted.
Left front limb:
Within normal limits. The distal radius and ulna growth plates are closed.


A Salter Harris Type 1 or 5 (compression) fracture without dislocation during skeletal
maturition is likely the underlying cause. The findings are not compatible with
physitis, chondrodysplasia, metaphyseal osteopathy or metabolic bone disease.
Clinical significance is unlikely unless lameness, pain or biomechanical instability

Patient Information

Patient Name : Camden Sante, Healing Paws
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes

Exam Finding

  • Swollen limb


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