06-00108 Jeremy B Pyelonephritis and cystitis *BK*—–NEED CDX—

Case Study

06-00108 Jeremy B Pyelonephritis and cystitis *BK*—–NEED CDX—

The patient is a 7 year old, feline DSH, NM. Clinical exam findings: Inappropriate urination. Straining to urinate. Cystocentesis done and then Jeremy blocked. Catheter removed after 29 hrs – blocked again. Currently catheterized. Hyperglycemia. Altered CBC/Chem/UA values: Fructosamine 391 (140-320). Urine specific gravity 1.050, 4+ red cells, 4+ white cells, glucosuria.

The patient is a 7 year old, feline DSH, NM. Clinical exam findings: Inappropriate urination. Straining to urinate. Cystocentesis done and then Jeremy blocked. Catheter removed after 29 hrs – blocked again. Currently catheterized. Hyperglycemia. Altered CBC/Chem/UA values: Fructosamine 391 (140-320). Urine specific gravity 1.050, 4+ red cells, 4+ white cells, glucosuria.


Pyelonephritis and aggressive cystitis

Sonographic Differential Diagnosis

Aggressive cystitis. Pyelonephritis and significant cystitis, likely interstitial cystitis with sand accumulation.

Image Interpretation

The urinary bladder presented a catheter with sand accumulation. The catheter placement appeared to be in normal position. Shadowing sand was noted in the bladder with a minor amount of free fluid around the bladder with reactive surrounding fat, which is suggestive of an aggressive process. The bladder wall was significantly edematous and this continued into the cystourethral junction. The bladder wall measured 0.74 cm at mild repletion. A minor amount of air accumulation was noted, which is normal as there was a catheter. The left kidney in this patient presented hyperechoic fat. This is consistent with fatty inflammation. Given the renal presentation, extension of inflammatory process with transcapsular inflammation is likely. The left kidney presented hypoechoic parenchyma with swollen contour and measured 4.23 cm with pyelectasia. Underlying pyelonephritis is likely in this case or minor pelvic dilation owing to history of obstruction. However, given the pericapsular inflammatory pattern pyelonephritis is likely. Inflamed pelvic fat also appeared present. The right kidney measured 4.72 cm with minor, pericapsular, increased fat echogenicity and pyelectasia.


No further outcome at this time.



UA Specific Gravity Range


Patient Information

Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound

Clinical Signs

  • Inappropriate Urination
  • Stranguria



Blood Chemistry

  • Fructosamine, High
  • Glucose, High

Clinical Signs

  • Inappropriate Urination
  • Stranguria


  • Blood Present
  • Glucose Present
  • WBCs Present
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