This 10-year-old MN DSH presented for anorexia and lethargy over the previous two days. The physical exam revealed a mildly painful cranial abdomen and jaundice. The CBC demonstrated a mild leukocytosis with a left shift. The blood chemistry showed moderately elevated ALT, mildly elevated ALP and AST, moderately elevated amylase, and moderately elevated bilirubin. The urinalysis demonstrated 3+ bilirubinuria but was otherwise normal.
This 10-year-old MN DSH presented for anorexia and lethargy over the previous two days. The physical exam revealed a mildly painful cranial abdomen and jaundice. The CBC demonstrated a mild leukocytosis with a left shift. The blood chemistry showed moderately elevated ALT, mildly elevated ALP and AST, moderately elevated amylase, and moderately elevated bilirubin. The urinalysis demonstrated 3+ bilirubinuria but was otherwise normal.