This 6-year-old FS Siberian Husky presented for vomiting and anorexia. The patient had been managed for reasonably well controlled diabetes for the previous 6 months. The clinical exam revealed moderate dehydration and abdominal pain. CBC and blood chemistry demonstrated a history of chronic moderately elevated SAP, moderately elevated cholesterol, and moderately elevated triglycerides with slightly elevated lipase. This profile was similar at the time of the clinical presentation with strong evidence of a urinary tract infection on the urinalysis with 3+ glucosuria.
This 6-year-old FS Siberian Husky presented for vomiting and anorexia. The patient had been managed for reasonably well controlled diabetes for the previous 6 months. The clinical exam revealed moderate dehydration and abdominal pain. CBC and blood chemistry demonstrated a history of chronic moderately elevated SAP, moderately elevated cholesterol, and moderately elevated triglycerides with slightly elevated lipase. This profile was similar at the time of the clinical presentation with strong evidence of a urinary tract infection on the urinalysis with 3+ glucosuria. Fructosamine level at that time was also mildly elevated.