- 10 year old Japanese Spitz with a week history of acute onset cough
- Irregular bradyarrhythmia on clinical exam, HR 50-60
- Echo showed general mild chamber dilation with aortic insufficiency, I suspected this was due to slow HR.
- ECG showed 2nd degree heart block, is this right?
- Thoracic rads showed cardiomegaly and bronchointerstitial pattern.
- My current theory is primary lung disease, increased vagal tone leading to heart block and then cardiac dilation.
- Any other suggestions?
- 10 year old Japanese Spitz with a week history of acute onset cough
- Irregular bradyarrhythmia on clinical exam, HR 50-60
- Echo showed general mild chamber dilation with aortic insufficiency, I suspected this was due to slow HR.
- ECG showed 2nd degree heart block, is this right?
- Thoracic rads showed cardiomegaly and bronchointerstitial pattern.
- My current theory is primary lung disease, increased vagal tone leading to heart block and then cardiac dilation.
- Any other suggestions?
To me it looks like a 3rd
To me it looks like a 3rd degree AV-Block (exactly regular P-waves total independence of p-waves and QRS-complexes (look at the varying PQ-interval!)). Vagal tone possible but unlikely. I would still try atropine at 0,04mg/kg and see if it resolves within 15 min (for forensic reasons). Sometimes you can increase the. ventricular rate at least a bit with Theophylline.
The ventricular rate will likely decrease within the next months.
I guess the dog will sooner or later require pacemaker implantation.
But I thought an escape
But I thought an escape rhythm would be regular? And in this case would be junctional?
Could the cough be coming from the cardiac dilation. Do you think this is secondary to the arrhythmia?