Shiny kidneys!

Sonopath Forum

– 10yo female mix breed dog

– Had history of uroliths (mix calcium oxalate and struvite), removed by cystotomy 6 months ago. Has been on urinary diet since then.

– Upon recheck scan (I didn’t do the previous one) there is a relapse of the uroliths and the renal medulla has a hyperechogenic milliary pattern (billateral, symmetric).

It looks like thousands of microscopic calculi in the medullary collecting ducts and diverticuli. Am I hallucinating?!

– 10yo female mix breed dog

– Had history of uroliths (mix calcium oxalate and struvite), removed by cystotomy 6 months ago. Has been on urinary diet since then.

– Upon recheck scan (I didn’t do the previous one) there is a relapse of the uroliths and the renal medulla has a hyperechogenic milliary pattern (billateral, symmetric).

It looks like thousands of microscopic calculi in the medullary collecting ducts and diverticuli. Am I hallucinating?!

It does not seem like the typical hypercalcemic nephropathy pattern (medullary rim sign), but it sure looks like nephrocalcinosis? This dog is not azotemic. I don’t know yet the calcium blood concentration. Could it be hyperparathyroidism? idiopathic? idiopathic hypercalcemia? hyperoxaluria?

 What do you think?



These are corticomedullary

These are corticomedullary mineralizations… they will travel to the pelvis and pop throught he ureters to the bladder if < 4 mm and viabkle ureters. I refer to these as “stone pushers”:)

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