
Sonopath Forum

  • 9 year old MN Akita x Husky
  • Progressive lethargy, severe weakness, intermittent diarrhoea and significant weight loss
  • Bloods mild anaemia, ALP severely elevated ( x10 upper limit) and mildly elevated ALT ( x2 upper limit) BUT was on steroids
  • Was seen for cardiac work up as was tachycardic and pot bellied – was on pimobendan and furosemide
  • Heart normal/pseudohypertrophy, sinus tachycardia
  • Severe hepatomegaly and hyerechogenicity, no free fluid, spleen seemed small
    • 9 year old MN Akita x Husky
    • Progressive lethargy, severe weakness, intermittent diarrhoea and significant weight loss
    • Bloods mild anaemia, ALP severely elevated ( x10 upper limit) and mildly elevated ALT ( x2 upper limit) BUT was on steroids
    • Was seen for cardiac work up as was tachycardic and pot bellied – was on pimobendan and furosemide
    • Heart normal/pseudohypertrophy, sinus tachycardia
    • Severe hepatomegaly and hyerechogenicity, no free fluid, spleen seemed small
    • What could be causing the hepatomegaly and also clinical picture…lymphoma, hepatitis?



Looks likw a benign vacuolar

Looks likw a benign vacuolar hepatopathy. Curvilinear patterns respected. Some endocrinopathy or familial predispositon likely.


Thanks EL. 

Thanks EL. 

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