Swollen mandible

Sonopath Forum

  • Young adult terrier x dropped at pound 3 months ago with dropped jaw
  • Now both rami have firm swelling 
  • Inappetant, pyrexic, enlarged SMLN
  • Any comment on the xray changes?
    • Young adult terrier x dropped at pound 3 months ago with dropped jaw
    • Now both rami have firm swelling 
    • Inappetant, pyrexic, enlarged SMLN
    • Any comment on the xray changes?



CMO is the most probable

CMO is the most probable diagnosis for me based on the demographics & Hx even though typical radiographic changes are lacking. The rad findings are very likely technical except for the ST swelling.


Are you saying there aren’t

Are you saying there aren’t significant radiological changes, just positional? (besides the soft tissue swelling?)


Are you saying there aren’t

Are you saying there aren’t significant radiological changes, just positional? (besides the soft tissue swelling?)


Yes not positional though it

Yes not positional though it is likely that the decreased opacity is technical and there may be some bilaterally symmetric new bone formation which would fit CMO (even though location is somewhat atypical) as well. but thats just my 2cents


Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your help.

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