- 14 week old Golden Retriever pup with tachypnoea and exercise intolerance and G 4/6 left sided murmur
- I think there is severe subaortic stenosis but also mitral dysplasia. Is the mitral dysplasia causing the SAS?
- 14 week old Golden Retriever pup with tachypnoea and exercise intolerance and G 4/6 left sided murmur
- I think there is severe subaortic stenosis but also mitral dysplasia. Is the mitral dysplasia causing the SAS?
- There appeared to be a high septal VSD but this was not apparent on colour doppler
- There is also an enlarged left atrium and clinical signs of congestion
- I realise the prognosis is grave but how would you manage this case in the short term – start on diuretics and titrate up atenolol when respiration has normalised?
Im seeing MR for sure and
Im seeing MR for sure and maybe VSD. Would need more views I think this is more fit for teklemedicine with our cardiologists and full study. Looks pretty complex.
Ok thank you. It was the
Ok thank you. It was the typical scenario of a nurses uninsured new puppy, an emotional case to say the least.