Incidental liver mass

Sonopath Forum

Incidental liver mass

  • 10 yo FN Rough Coated Collie
  • Mildly increased liver enzymes
  • Stable weight, no clinical signs
  • Well-defined liver mass in contact with the diaphragm
  • What would your differentials be?
  • Owner is deciding on whether to biopsy or not

  • 10 yo FN Rough Coated Collie
  • Mildly increased liver enzymes
  • Stable weight, no clinical signs
  • Well-defined liver mass in contact with the diaphragm
  • What would your differentials be?
  • Owner is deciding on whether to biopsy or not



Mild disruption of

Mild disruption of architecture… hepatoma vs low grade HCC. Likely a slow mover. CT for surgical evaluation. May be adhered to the diapgram but appears to subtly move separately from respiratory movements which would suggest it will peel out.


Thank you Eric.

Thank you Eric.