Pitting edema LH

Sonopath Forum



Jackson is a 4 year old GSP mix M/I. He has chronic edema of LH , lower limb, from stifle down. No obvious mass on the leg. Popliteal LN mild enlarged, less the  2 cm. Rectal exam : symetrical mild enlarged prostate  He is occasionally limping otherwise acting normally.

Bloodwork was wnl, X-rays -soft tissue only.

AUS : no enlargment of the pelvic LN, no mass in the abdomen. The only abnormality was heteroechoic spleen. No thrombus on CVC.



Jackson is a 4 year old GSP mix M/I. He has chronic edema of LH , lower limb, from stifle down. No obvious mass on the leg. Popliteal LN mild enlarged, less the  2 cm. Rectal exam : symetrical mild enlarged prostate  He is occasionally limping otherwise acting normally.

Bloodwork was wnl, X-rays -soft tissue only.

AUS : no enlargment of the pelvic LN, no mass in the abdomen. The only abnormality was heteroechoic spleen. No thrombus on CVC.

I have limited experience with MSK US. Was wondering if you see any abnormalities on the posted clip. And if yes, would you recommend FNA or Biopsy for histo, to rule out HGS/ other Lymphatic neoplasia or conservative treatment with Rutin?

Thank you,





I dont like the spleen and

I dont like the spleen and that needs an fna but the rest Im not seeing much.





Very moth eaten spleen

Very moth eaten spleen

The limb has a non specific long standing edema pattern with sc and cutaneous swelling 

I would definitely sample the spleen (& liver) and the popliteal node. The node unfortunately most of the times come back as reactive even in the lymphoma cases. So a negative cyto doesnt really help but its a chance to prove LSA if positive


Mast cell does weird things

Mast cell does weird things like this as well…splenic mast cell?


Nice! That’s what I thought.

Nice! That’s what I thought. So FNA of the swelling, leg is not worth it especially because I don’t see a definitive lesion. Only Spleen, Liver and popliteal .

Thank you Drs. Ondreka and  EL


Sure you are welcome. let us

Sure you are welcome. let us know what you find

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