Renal failure

Sonopath Forum

-2 year old Yorkshire terrier presented for diarrhea, found to be in renal failure

-I was expecting to rule out renal dyplasia vs. infection/toxin.  This was not what I was expecting.

-There are no clinical signs of a liver shunt and the liver appears normal.  The rest of the study was normal aside from the liquid stool in the colon.

-U/A showed USG 1.010 (only obtained post-fluid therapy) and pH 5.5.  Inactive sediment according to the record.  No crystals recorded.

-Ureter not visualized, bladder appears normal.

-2 year old Yorkshire terrier presented for diarrhea, found to be in renal failure

-I was expecting to rule out renal dyplasia vs. infection/toxin.  This was not what I was expecting.

-There are no clinical signs of a liver shunt and the liver appears normal.  The rest of the study was normal aside from the liquid stool in the colon.

-U/A showed USG 1.010 (only obtained post-fluid therapy) and pH 5.5.  Inactive sediment according to the record.  No crystals recorded.

-Ureter not visualized, bladder appears normal.

What do you make of all the stones?  Prognosis?





Thats a lot of stones…

Thats a lot of stones… images are a bit dark but something is wrong in the renal metabolism creatign that many stones in a 2 year old. i would run a BA anyway even if the liver looks normal. Could consider lithotripsy… I imagine Texas A&M does that.


Will do, thanks!
We took a

Will do, thanks!

We took a radiograph after these images just to see.  The renal pelvices light up with a huge number of very radio-opaque stones.  Does knowing they are strongly radio-opaque make a shunt any less likely?



Cannot rule a shunt out on

Cannot rule a shunt out on the appearance so would run BA. Also would relook at a fresh UA with culture and sensitivity looking for crystals (struvite, cystine, urate) and a UTI. Renal function may improve after stone removal. Unfortunately, medical dissolution will not be effective as the stones are in ther pelvis.


Great, thanks.  We will see

Great, thanks.  We will see what we can figure out.  TAMU does not have lithotripsy available; they offered to surgically remove the stones.  Urine C&S is still pending.  Plan to run BA’s.

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