
Sonopath Forum


This is Jasper a 1.5 year old Boder Collie Cross. He has recurrent episodes of vomiting and diarrhea for 1-2 weeks duration. 

I think I see an intussuception and was hoping for confirmation if possible. There is no obvious fluid build up upstream from the location. 

The second image is of a tubular like structure near the intestines that is hypoechoci. No blood flow. I don’t think it fits with a LN. Not sure what this is. Unsure if anyone can make comments on it. 

Thanks. Brent


This is Jasper a 1.5 year old Boder Collie Cross. He has recurrent episodes of vomiting and diarrhea for 1-2 weeks duration. 

I think I see an intussuception and was hoping for confirmation if possible. There is no obvious fluid build up upstream from the location. 

The second image is of a tubular like structure near the intestines that is hypoechoci. No blood flow. I don’t think it fits with a LN. Not sure what this is. Unsure if anyone can make comments on it. 

Thanks. Brent



the structure in the second

the structure in the second video looks like a reactive, fusiform  LN to me ( with mild hyperechoic central area and mild hypo-isoechoic surrounding area). Thickness is approx 0.7-0.8cm I think and that would fit into a reactive/inflammed Ln in a dog the size of a collie…

Regarding the intussuception, I am not clear about it, it is a good question. In the last video with the microconvex probe it looks like intertwining loops… the first video does appear to have a more typical “multilayering” with some mesentery trapped. This one is for EL to enlighten us:)

I hope you dont mind, I would like to tag in a question regarding intussuception cause I had 2 suspicious cases recently and it is: considering intussuception can be dynamic at times, if there is this lesion would we expect some kind of dilated lumens prior to lesions like mildly obstructive pattern?  I mean, if we suspect an area has intussuception at the time of scanning but we are not sure (rather than at that time the loops are out and normal), shouldnt there be mild abnormal motility and mild distended lumen?

Please, I hope you dont mind me asking in your post.


Not at all!
I have the same

Not at all!

I have the same question. Going in on many surgically I think the answer is fluid can build up if it is chronic but not necessarily if it is an early one!

Thanks. Brent


Intussusceptions in short

Intussusceptions in short axis have an onion like appearamnce so always short and long axis assessment. The first video is a bunch of intestine on top of each other. The second shows a long reactive hyperplastic LN and the there’s a thin one with intestine. No intussusception but here are some for your enjoyment form the basic search:)



Thanks for the info!

Thanks for the info!


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