Pancreatic/duodenal wall cyst in an 11 year old FS Shihtzu

Sonopath Forum

Pancreatic/duodenal wall cyst in an 11 year old FS Shihtzu

  • 11 year old FS Shihtzu with an elevated ALKP=800’s found on routine annual bloodwork
  • The patient is asymptomatic
  • Abdominal US shows a 1.14cm x 0.65cm anechoic cyst in the pancreas but also in close association with the duodenal wall.  Minor bilateral renal mineralization is present.  The liver and gallbladder both appear normal.
  • In some views, the cyst appers pancreatic in origin, but in other views it appears to be coming off of the duodenal wall (pancreatic duct abnormality?).
    • 11 year old FS Shihtzu with an elevated ALKP=800’s found on routine annual bloodwork
    • The patient is asymptomatic
    • Abdominal US shows a 1.14cm x 0.65cm anechoic cyst in the pancreas but also in close association with the duodenal wall.  Minor bilateral renal mineralization is present.  The liver and gallbladder both appear normal.
    • In some views, the cyst appers pancreatic in origin, but in other views it appears to be coming off of the duodenal wall (pancreatic duct abnormality?).
    • My primary differential diagnoses for the cyst include benign pancreatic cyst, emerging neopalsia, and less likely abscess.  
    • Any other thoughts?



Pancreatic pseudocyst?

Pancreatic pseudocyst?


This actually looks like a

This actually looks like a foocal dilation of the panc duct as it enters the duodenum… no inflammatory reaction and the fluid is anechoic so I like to put needles in things but this one in an asymptomatic dog I would likely just let the sleeping bear lie:)


Any idea what would cause

Any idea what would cause this?  And seeing that this is most likely a benign lesion, I assume that this has nothing to do with the elevated ALKP?  I am recommending a recheck in 4 weeks as extra insurance.

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