Mass invasion into the Common Bile Duct

Sonopath Forum

Mass invasion into the Common Bile Duct

Hi everyone,

Ive got a ‘head scratching’ case and I was hoping i could get some expert opinions on this. Beetle is a 13 year old, male neutered, welsh terrier that was presented for Polyuria and Polydipsia. Bloods were done which showed ALT 1000IU/L, ALP 1003IU/L and GGT was mildly increased at 9 IU/L. Total bilirubin was within normal limits.

Hi everyone,

Ive got a ‘head scratching’ case and I was hoping i could get some expert opinions on this. Beetle is a 13 year old, male neutered, welsh terrier that was presented for Polyuria and Polydipsia. Bloods were done which showed ALT 1000IU/L, ALP 1003IU/L and GGT was mildly increased at 9 IU/L. Total bilirubin was within normal limits.

There was an oval shape hyperehoic mass that was seen invading the common bile duct. Moreoever, the common bile duct was observed to be diffusedly dilated. There was no mass observed at the level of the duodenal papillae.  Based on the location of this mass, it could be a hepatic lymph node, liver tumour or a pancreatic tumour. Both adrenal glands were enlarged. I know phaeochromocytoma are known to invade major vessels however, I do not know any masses to invade the common bile duct? 


What type of tumours invade the common bile duct?

Is it safe to performed a biopsy on this mass?

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