Lung pattern

Sonopath Forum


I was hoping to get some opinions on the lungs on this 7 year old MN Shi Tzy, Cocker cross.

I was asked to look at the lungs because the dog was coughing. The dog had marked tracheal sensitivity and would repeatedly cough when pressure was applied to the trachea/larynx.

Some of the other veterinarians thought that there was a prominent lung pattern and felt it was lower airway disease.


I was hoping to get some opinions on the lungs on this 7 year old MN Shi Tzy, Cocker cross.

I was asked to look at the lungs because the dog was coughing. The dog had marked tracheal sensitivity and would repeatedly cough when pressure was applied to the trachea/larynx.

Some of the other veterinarians thought that there was a prominent lung pattern and felt it was lower airway disease.

When I reviewed the radiographs I mentioned I thought that the lungs had a “Mild” broncho/interstitial pattern consistent with dystrophic mineralization and indicated that I thought the problem was in the upper airways and did not think the pattern was significant. Peanut was otherwise BAR and eating and drinking well with no wt loss. He presented for a recheck on an overnight shift and was euthanised for the coughing progressing. (I unfortunately do not have details of the recheck 1-2 weeks later). I went back to review the xrays and initially agreed with my initial assessment but then did notice a prominent focal bronchiolar pattern  on the DV right and caudolateral to the heart shadow. Just looking for opinions on the lung rads to see if we missed something in our interpretation. 

Thanks. Brent.



Sorry. I thought I had the

Sorry. I thought I had the xrays loaded up. All the images were present. I must have missed something. Trying to attach them.


There is a generalized

There is a generalized bronchointerstitial pattern variable in degree throughout the lung – but overall moderate to severe. The cranial lobes even present a focal alveolar infiltrate (cranial to the heart).

So the lung changes are significant here for sure and most compatible with severe bronchopneumonia (may be acute on chronic) with DDs from allergic to essentually all groups of infectious. Neoplastic infiltrate not very likely. Note that the severity of findings on rads usually lags behind the clinical signs and findings on scoping so this can be assumed to be really severe & significant.


I really enjoy learning from

I really enjoy learning from you, Nele!

See you soon in CA!



Thank you Peter!The list of

Thank you Peter!
The list of your talks looks great – can’t wait!


Thanks for all the comments

Thanks for all the comments and advice. 


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