Linear structures on ventral urinary bladder wall

Sonopath Forum

Linear structures on ventral urinary bladder wall

Hi everyone, 

Dog is a 13 year old female neutered cocker spaniel that was presented for chronic urinary tract infection. Previous culture grown positive for proteus mirabilis. The infection will clear (negative culture) and recur again. This have occurred for over a year now.

The urinary bladder wall was thickened on the cranio-ventral region measuring up to 0.63cm and there were a few linear structures attached to the ventral bladder wall with evidence of vascularisation.

Hi everyone, 

Dog is a 13 year old female neutered cocker spaniel that was presented for chronic urinary tract infection. Previous culture grown positive for proteus mirabilis. The infection will clear (negative culture) and recur again. This have occurred for over a year now.

The urinary bladder wall was thickened on the cranio-ventral region measuring up to 0.63cm and there were a few linear structures attached to the ventral bladder wall with evidence of vascularisation.

I’m just wondering if anyone knows what those linear structures in the urinary bladder were and if this could be the reason for the recurring urinary tract infection?


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