7 year old Yorkie
-mild recent increase in ALT (~250)
-recent histopathology on mass removed was nodular fibromatosis
-normal BUN, creatinine, USG 1.040
Two questions:
-The kidney changes appear degenerative and chronic, not likely related to the nodular fibromatosis, correct?
-The muscularis layer of the stomach appears mildly thickened/prominent to me; do you agree? Not likely related to the skin masses, correct?
7 year old Yorkie
-mild recent increase in ALT (~250)
-recent histopathology on mass removed was nodular fibromatosis
-normal BUN, creatinine, USG 1.040
Two questions:
-The kidney changes appear degenerative and chronic, not likely related to the nodular fibromatosis, correct?
-The muscularis layer of the stomach appears mildly thickened/prominent to me; do you agree? Not likely related to the skin masses, correct?
The Gi has thickened
The Gi has thickened muscularis and increased submucosal echogenicicty suggestive for chronic Gi disease. Kidneys are garden variety degenerative cortical cysts and likely oxalate stones – non obstructive. I can’t correlate the fibromatosis with either of these… remo?
There is is condition of
There is is condition of nodular dermatofibrosis which is described in the GSD and associated with renal neoplasia. However, on these images cannot like the renal and gastric changes with the nodular fibromatosis.
This may not be the same as
This may not be the same as this Yorkie but I have a German Shephard currently in my practice that has nodular dermatofibrosis confirmed via histopath with concurrent renal cystadenoma (the condition that Remo describes). The kidneys started out with small cysts and normal function on bloodwork and as we followed the patient the renal cysts have progressively worsened to point now that there is very little renal architecture that is normal. The patient is also now in stage 2 renal failure but coping well with supportive care. So it may be worth following those kidneys with ultrasound over time in case those cysts worsen and keep an eye on kidney enzyme levels.
Thanks for the
Thanks for the replies.