pericardial effusion

pericardial effusion

9 yr old m/n Golden Retriever had acute collapse. Was treated at er removed 40 ml of frank blood from pericardial sac 4 days ago. Doing well now. Abdominal ultrasound negative.Of course mass until proven otherwise. What do you think of area around ra? No doppler flow in the “mass”. The right auricle is clear…

Possible RV enlargement without RV hypertrophy in HW positive dog

13 month old FS terrier X adopted from shelter in January – originally from Mississippi.  Proheart was administered in January. Suffered episode of acute collapse while on vacation in California about 5 days ago. Presented to ER 2 days later for lethargy and diarrhea. CBC and mini chem panel performed by ER showed eosinophilia (2.45…

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