Dog Ate 200 Ibuprofen
Trevor is a 4 year old Beagle that ate ~200 ibuprofen 3 days ago. Was able to induce vomiting w/in 20 minutes and gave charcoal, but within 3 hours of presentation was seizuring and hypothermic. Treated w/ high volume fluids, anti-convulsants and Intralipid…Today is eating/drinking and acting like a normal Beagle (tried to get into…
This is a 7 years old Cocker that presented icteric, has history of chronic pancreatitis Liver is heterogenous with multiple ill defined hypoechoic nodules, distended CBD with no definitive mass or urolith seen and hypoechoic pancreas – body. All liver enzymes are markedly increased ( 6000 for ALT) I suspected round cell neoplasia but couldn’t…