Diaphragmatic Hernia???

Diaphragmatic Hernia???

Lulu is an older dog that I ultrasounded as part of a work up for surgery to remove a lip mass. The radiographs grabbed my attention. So I scanned the left thoracic caudal area after looking at the heart (had a 3/6 murmur) I think I’m seeing a chunk of liver in the thorax and…

Young cat with big LA

Hi everyone, I scanned a 1yo MN cat with history of inapetence, lethargy and tachycardia of 220-240 bpm, no murmur or other arrythmias. What I see is a big LA with probably a clot (it’s difficult to see), but there are no changes with the transvalvular flows or increased LV thickness (maybe of the pap…

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