Chronic Pancreatitis vs Neoplasia

Chronic Pancreatitis vs Neoplasia

Charlie, 14 Year old DSH neutered male…3 month Hx of anorexia and weight loss…Lab work on 7/7/17 was WNL except a fCPL of 5.1. Responded intially to dexasone injection, but not eating at all past 3 days. PE: Cachexic, slight fullness mid abdomen.

Macaw, 24yold, neoplasia. AVIAN

Sarge is my colleague´s macaw. We suspect he is a 24 year old approx male intact macaw. Fed on seed only diet. Presents with loss of apetite, weakness, weight loss (0.9kg only). I would like to share clips of this impressive messy-mass. Heart: WNL in my limited experience. Caelomic effusion. Liver: irregular capsular contour with…

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