Frustrating liver case

Frustrating liver case

– 3 yr old Min. Aust. Shephard presented for anorexia, vomiting and severely elevated liver enzymes (ALT 2000), elevated bilrubin, mild azotemia and urine SG 1.012; ALB normal – urine  Lepto PCR test and acute Lepto titre test not consistent with Lepto – liver small on x-ray and  on u/s;  midly hyperechoic; both kidneys severely…

Second opinion on Duodenum

12 year old male neutered diabetic dog that presented for being unwell and inappetent. There is no vomiting or any gastrointestinal signs.Blood work showed leukocytosis 19.2 X 10 ⁹ /L, neutrophilia 14.0  X 10 ⁹ /L and monocytosis 1.7 X 10 ⁹ /L. There was also increased nucleated red blood cells in the abscence of anaemia.( not sure if…

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