Hello I was hoping to ask for opinions on a case. Charles is a 5 year old (rescue so age is unknown) Shi Tzu cross that had an episode similar to syncope 2 weeks ago. Chest rads showed a mildly enlarged La, increased size in the bronchiol vein but no pulmonary edema. He had a…

Azotemic 6 month old Dane, possible Leptospirosis?

Dane, 6 mo MI, presenting for vomiting.  Renal azotemia, anemia and thrombocytopenia w/ hematuria and proteinuria (orange color to urine).  Ultrasound – loss of C-M distinction w/ appearance of debris is medulla.  Inc. echogenicity/patchy compared w/ spleen.  Normal liver and GI.  Plump lymph nodes, 9.5 mm.  Suspecting infection/Lepto or toxin.  Lepto urine PCR pending.  Would…