mineralization in kidneys of 7 year old DSH

mineralization in kidneys of 7 year old DSH

7 yr FS DSH (tortie) w/ BUN 74, creat 7.6, phos mild inc., normal K, HCT 32, normal T4.  UA inactive w/ isosthenuria and ph = 6.  No crystals.  Bladder has small hyperechoic non-shadowing speckles throughout.  Renoliths in both kidneys w/ irregular border L>R.  No ureteral obstruction.  Considering renal diet w/ added citrate to prevent…

cause of murmur in cat not obvious

7 year old cat w/ systolic heart murmur.  Unable to find turbulance on color flow.  There is focal thickening of the IVS near outflow, but no SAMe.  In the above JPEG on PW, looks like there may be a little TR, but can’t see it on color.  Also looks like the could be some DRVOTO. …

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