Cure for interstitial/idiopathic cystitis?

Cure for interstitial/idiopathic cystitis?

Ok so I’ve seen this for many years and have advocated histopath on it and some are LP infiltrates that are pred responsive but not all of them. But rarely does anyone go to sx for histopath to prove or disprove this theory. But empirical tx on this cat with a wicked insterstitial cystitis and…

Cure for interstitial/idiopathic cystitis?

Ok so I’ve seen this for many years and have advocated histopath on it and some are LP infiltrates that are pred responsive but not all of them. But rarely does anyone go to sx for histopath to prove or disprove this theory. But empirical tx on this cat with a wicked insterstitial cystitis and…

Pericardio-peritoneal diaphragmatic hernia?

Hi all, I would appreciate some reassurance on this case. After much deliberating, I am quite convinced that this is PPDH. – 6 y old, FN, DSH. Adopted 1 year ago from stray life in a community carpark. History of on and off vomiting of undigested food. Normal stools. When playing she is not really very active….

Pericardio-peritoneal diaphragmatic hernia?

Hi all, I would appreciate some reassurance on this case. After much deliberating, I am quite convinced that this is PPDH. – 6 y old, FN, DSH. Adopted 1 year ago from stray life in a community carpark. History of on and off vomiting of undigested food. Normal stools. When playing she is not really very active….

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