splenocaval shunt in 1 year old cat

splenocaval shunt in 1 year old cat

BA 127 post 217, disorientation post prandial responds to clindamycin/lactulose. 1 year old 5 pound cat.

splenocaval shunt in 1 year old cat

BA 127 post 217, disorientation post prandial responds to clindamycin/lactulose. 1 year old 5 pound cat.

splenocaval shunt in 1 year old cat

BA 127 post 217, disorientation post prandial responds to clindamycin/lactulose. 1 year old 5 pound cat.

Vascular help

-Geriatric female spayed yorkshire terrier.   -Presented for evaluation of pleural effusion. -Right heart appears thickened, no tricuspid regurgitation seen.  I don’t *think* there was pulmonic insufficiency but I had trouble getting the perfect images (she’s tiny!). Left side looks normal. -Heterogeneous splenic nodule deforming the capsule seen -Peritoneal effusion also present

Vascular help

-Geriatric female spayed yorkshire terrier.   -Presented for evaluation of pleural effusion. -Right heart appears thickened, no tricuspid regurgitation seen.  I don’t *think* there was pulmonic insufficiency but I had trouble getting the perfect images (she’s tiny!). Left side looks normal. -Heterogeneous splenic nodule deforming the capsule seen -Peritoneal effusion also present

Hepatic Cyst

Black jack is a 12 year old DSH that belongs to a long time client that moved out of state. She drove in for me to evaluate Blackjack. I did lab work and abdominal x-rays. The labs were all normal. The abdominal x-rays were WNL except for what I interpreted as hepatomegally. The chest x-rays…

Hepatic Cyst

Black jack is a 12 year old DSH that belongs to a long time client that moved out of state. She drove in for me to evaluate Blackjack. I did lab work and abdominal x-rays. The labs were all normal. The abdominal x-rays were WNL except for what I interpreted as hepatomegally. The chest x-rays…

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