Ascites and reactive echogenic fat adjacent to the liver in a 14 year old MN Lab

Ascites and reactive echogenic fat adjacent to the liver in a 14 year old MN Lab

14 year old mn Lab presented for progressive anorexia and acute onset lethargy HR=90, T=100 F, RR=40, abdominal pain noted CBC and chem prof wnl except for increased BUN=37 Abdominal US showed small pockets of free anechoic fluid near the bladder and between the liver lobes, echogenic reactive fat near the gallbladder neck, extrahepatic biliary…

Ascites and reactive echogenic fat adjacent to the liver in a 14 year old MN Lab

14 year old mn Lab presented for progressive anorexia and acute onset lethargy HR=90, T=100 F, RR=40, abdominal pain noted CBC and chem prof wnl except for increased BUN=37 Abdominal US showed small pockets of free anechoic fluid near the bladder and between the liver lobes, echogenic reactive fat near the gallbladder neck, extrahepatic biliary…

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