Tachycardia in a 14 year old mn Rottweiler

Tachycardia in a 14 year old mn Rottweiler

This is a 14 year old mn Rottweiler that belongs to a vet tech. Owner noticed increased respiratory rate and excericise intolerance of 1 week duration. The dog has chronic, severe diskospondylosis and bilateral rear leg neurological deficits. Radiographs show evidence of an old pelvic fracture repair. Recent phys exam reveals tachycardia 140-180 bpm in…

Tachycardia in a 14 year old mn Rottweiler

This is a 14 year old mn Rottweiler that belongs to a vet tech. Owner noticed increased respiratory rate and excericise intolerance of 1 week duration. The dog has chronic, severe diskospondylosis and bilateral rear leg neurological deficits. Radiographs show evidence of an old pelvic fracture repair. Recent phys exam reveals tachycardia 140-180 bpm in…

Tachycardia in a 14 year old mn Rottweiler

This is a 14 year old mn Rottweiler that belongs to a vet tech. Owner noticed increased respiratory rate and excericise intolerance of 1 week duration. The dog has chronic, severe diskospondylosis and bilateral rear leg neurological deficits. Radiographs show evidence of an old pelvic fracture repair. Recent phys exam reveals tachycardia 140-180 bpm in…

Cholangiohepatitis vs bile duct neoplasia

7 year FS DSH cat, outdoors-stray who presents with decreased apetite for 2-3 days. Mildly Dehydrated, no info about V-D-drinking, urine nor much more than this. After 2nd day in hospi appears bright and regaining a bit of apetite. -Biochem: ALP, ALT and TBIL sky high. Jaundiced. UA not done.CBC nothing significantly off.

Cholangiohepatitis vs bile duct neoplasia

7 year FS DSH cat, outdoors-stray who presents with decreased apetite for 2-3 days. Mildly Dehydrated, no info about V-D-drinking, urine nor much more than this. After 2nd day in hospi appears bright and regaining a bit of apetite. -Biochem: ALP, ALT and TBIL sky high. Jaundiced. UA not done.CBC nothing significantly off.

Looking for the lung lesions

9 yr old FS DSH presented for anorexia Chest radiographs showed an alveolar pattern in both cranial lung fields and the caudal right lung field Radiology report indicated pneumonia as the most likely differential  and neoplasia less likely The patient was started on Zenequin and later prednisone FNA’s of the lung lesions were requested I…

Looking for the lung lesions

9 yr old FS DSH presented for anorexia Chest radiographs showed an alveolar pattern in both cranial lung fields and the caudal right lung field Radiology report indicated pneumonia as the most likely differential  and neoplasia less likely The patient was started on Zenequin and later prednisone FNA’s of the lung lesions were requested I…

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