Lung neoplasia?

Lung neoplasia?

– 11 yr old MN Wheaton Terrier presented for a fairly acute onset of laboured breathing – x-rays showed marked pleural effusion – plerual effusion seen on u/s as well as a consolidated cranial lung lobe with nodular margins and distoration of normal lung tissue (tumour-like) – would this fit more of a neoplastic lung…

Lung neoplasia?

– 11 yr old MN Wheaton Terrier presented for a fairly acute onset of laboured breathing – x-rays showed marked pleural effusion – plerual effusion seen on u/s as well as a consolidated cranial lung lobe with nodular margins and distoration of normal lung tissue (tumour-like) – would this fit more of a neoplastic lung…

What is this?

-Mature adult female spayed Corgi -presents for evaluation of vomiting/weight loss -Study unremarkable except for some changes in pancreas (will attach clip) and the area I am questioning.  Not typically what I think of as acute pancreatitis, maybe resolving or chronic? -Area in question is in right caudal abdomen lateral to bladder/colon.  Looks like fat…

What is this?

-Mature adult female spayed Corgi -presents for evaluation of vomiting/weight loss -Study unremarkable except for some changes in pancreas (will attach clip) and the area I am questioning.  Not typically what I think of as acute pancreatitis, maybe resolving or chronic? -Area in question is in right caudal abdomen lateral to bladder/colon.  Looks like fat…

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