I would appreciate your help in interpreting this images. I apologize for the poor quality of both xray (forelimbs in the way) and echo clips (this is the best I could get, I know they are terrible) Patient (FN persian cross, unknown age) has history of usual wheezy breathing. Recent worsening in the past 2 weeks….


I would appreciate your help in interpreting this images. I apologize for the poor quality of both xray (forelimbs in the way) and echo clips (this is the best I could get, I know they are terrible) Patient (FN persian cross, unknown age) has history of usual wheezy breathing. Recent worsening in the past 2 weeks….

Insurance for mobile sonographers

For mobile sonographers, who do you use for insurance?  I am talking about for the machine/equipment itself, if it gets dropped, damaged during the course of use, stolen out of the vehicle, damaged in a vehicle accident, etc. I am currently insured through Allstate but have serious doubts about whether they would truly cover it…

Insurance for mobile sonographers

For mobile sonographers, who do you use for insurance?  I am talking about for the machine/equipment itself, if it gets dropped, damaged during the course of use, stolen out of the vehicle, damaged in a vehicle accident, etc. I am currently insured through Allstate but have serious doubts about whether they would truly cover it…

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