Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplaisa, or mesenteric root neoplasia

Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplaisa, or mesenteric root neoplasia

9 yr old MN Min Pin presented for routine annual exam. Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed an abdominal mass (clumping of the intestines). When scanning the dog, I could not find a mass, per se.  However, the right limb of the pancreas appears  hypoechoic with some calcification, there is irregular, echogenic fat in the cranial…

Pancreatitis, pancreatic neoplaisa, or mesenteric root neoplasia

9 yr old MN Min Pin presented for routine annual exam. Abdominal palpation and radiographs revealed an abdominal mass (clumping of the intestines). When scanning the dog, I could not find a mass, per se.  However, the right limb of the pancreas appears  hypoechoic with some calcification, there is irregular, echogenic fat in the cranial…

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