

– this is the colon of an estimated  5 year old  MN DSH who lives in a shelter – history of chronic diarrhea; the colon palpated firm and ropey upon abdominal palpation; mild anemia on bloodwork; Feleuk/FIV negative – the colon is disffusely thickened with a hyperechoic mucosal layer. – there is some loss of…


– this is the colon of an estimated  5 year old  MN DSH who lives in a shelter – history of chronic diarrhea; the colon palpated firm and ropey upon abdominal palpation; mild anemia on bloodwork; Feleuk/FIV negative – the colon is disffusely thickened with a hyperechoic mucosal layer. – there is some loss of…

Cystic lesions in a feline liver

12 year old mn DSH with history of weight loss despite good appetite Owner feeds cat by hand in small amounts and does not keep track of how much :(. Recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (T4=7.0) but is well controlled on methimazole (T=1.5). Bloodwork and radiographs were nonremarkable. Abdominal ultrasound shows a few small focal areas…

Cystic lesions in a feline liver

12 year old mn DSH with history of weight loss despite good appetite Owner feeds cat by hand in small amounts and does not keep track of how much :(. Recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (T4=7.0) but is well controlled on methimazole (T=1.5). Bloodwork and radiographs were nonremarkable. Abdominal ultrasound shows a few small focal areas…

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