Abdominal lymph nodes

Abdominal lymph nodes

Hello I was hoping for some help identifying the structures that I believe to be lymph nodes. They are in close proximity to the ileocollic junction but seem just a little too far away to be certain. The images are from “Mister” a 12 year old MN DSH that presented for jaundice and anorexia. His…

Cholestasis in a feline

Jasmine is a 10 year old Feline that belongs to a veterinary technician. This cat came in jaundiced. Labs came back: ALP:  914, ALT: 202, AST: 91, Total Bilirubin: 11.7, Conjugated Bilirubin: 6.8, GGT 7, Bilirubin- unconjugated 4.9. UA: 3+ Bilirubin, SG 1.012, pH: 7. Sed: clear CBC: WNL Jasmine is still eating and is…

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