Gastric Ulceration?

Gastric Ulceration?

– 4 yr old MN Golden Retriever with 3 day history of melena – owners switched diets in which the melena resolved but now pet is vomting with decreased appetite – cbc, biochem unremarkable, cPLI negative – u/s showed concentrically thickened pyloric wall with what appears to be hyperechoic echoes embedded in the wall –…

Atrial Tachycardia

– 10 yr old FS Wheaten Terrior with a history is suspected pancreatitis in July (v/d, poor appetite, +cPLI) 4DX negtative – u/s performed at the time was unremarkable with no evidence of pancreatits; treated for pancreatitis and responded well however energy levels never returned and appetite remained decreased – presented today for severe tachycardia…

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