Mass vs Thrombus vs Endocarditis on Tricuspid Valve?

Mass vs Thrombus vs Endocarditis on Tricuspid Valve?

Hi everyone,  13 year old male desexed Kelpie with grade 4/6 heart murmur. ECG showed atrial fibrillation. Dog is tachycardic (ave 180bpm) and is currently on pimobendin. Dog has terrible dental disease and was initially booked in for a dental clean however Owner reports lethargy. No coughing, no pyrexia, no bloods were done. Echocardiographic study…

Splenic Myelolipomas/Lymphoma

This is a 15 year old cat that is anorexic. In the past responded well to Prednisolone trial for presumptive IBD/Lymphoma. U/S findings : Multiple hyperechoic nodules in the spleen, Hyperechoic liver, SI-duodenum have an increase muscularis to mucosa ratio and even more pronounced like 2: 1 Muscularis to mucosa in ileum. Reactive fat surrounding…

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