Chronic diarrhea, 10 year old Dalmatian

Chronic diarrhea, 10 year old Dalmatian

-10 year old female spayed Dalmation adopted 2 months ago, financial limitations -chronic diarrhea, slight weight loss; not responding to metronidazole, I/D, prostora  – previous bloodwork 4/15 = hct 44%, tp 6.9, alb 3.3 and now hct 33%, tp 5.4, alb2.9.  Chemistry very slight ALk Phos and ALT , basically normal; WBC normal (5,300)  -2+proteinuria,…

Vomiting dog

-10 year old female spayed chihuahua mix -mildly elevated ALT (~200) and SAP (~350), stable for 3 months -recent history of intermittent vomiting in mornings, not resolved with famotidine and a late night snack -no weight loss or other GI signs -still very bright and alert, good appetite -normal proteins -hepatomegaly with heterogeneous echotexture -unilateral…

Pulmonary Metastasis

I have a 10 year old Bichon with most likely pulmonary neoplasia. Generalized nodular change. I know that primary pulmonary masses are possible- but I was wondering where the most comon sites in the abdomen are located that metastasize to the lungs? I am doing an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow and I was asking for a…

Left and Right Sided Heart Failure

– 7 year old F Spitz presented for coughing and an episode of collapse after coughing on the weekned – decreased appetite and weight loss – grade 4/6 systolic heart murmur and arrhythmia evident on auscutation with tachycardia – chest rads showed a globoid heart, distended pulmonary vein and perihilar pulmonary edema – echo consistent…

Liver Neoplasia?

– ADR 13 yr MN DSH – bloodwork elevated GGT and eosinophilia, other parameters wnl – liver diffusely abnormal on u/s with cystic regions and a variety of hyperechoic nodules; CBD distended at 0.46cm – left pancreatic limb is enlarged and mottled – SI wall diameter increased with thickened muscularis; enlarged jejunal LN’s – liver…

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