Abnormal gallbladder, liver, and abdominal effusion
10 year old mn lab mix with 2 week history of decreased appetite and intermittent vomiting PE shows jaundice and abominal pain Chem prof shows ALT=714 U/L, ALKP=351 U/L, GGT=26 U/L, TBil=3.6mg/dl, Na=163 mmol/L, Cl=123mmol/L CBC is wnl although HCT=53% (N: 37-61%). Abdominal ultrasound shows diffuse, coarse, micronodular, echogenic hepatic parenchyma with small pockets of…
Hyperechoic pathology
Lucy is a 12 year old Siamese cross that has a history of chronic intermittent vomiting. Mostly bile but food on occasion. Her lab work run recently was totally normal except for a trace of blood in the urine – which was probably from the cysto. No history of loose stools Ultrasound findings: – Stomach…
Chronic weight loss in a 15 year old cat
15 year old mn indoor only cat with a history of chronic weight loss (from 8 to 6 lbs) despite good appetite. CBC and chemistry profile done 6 weeks ago were both wnl. Ultrasound done yesterday showed bilateral medullary rim sign, increased medullary echogenicity, decreased corticomedullary definition, nonobstructive mineralization, and pyelectasia. Both kidneys measured 3.4cm…