Pyloric mass

Pyloric mass

– 10 year FS poodle w history of decreased appetite, weight loss and vomiting – bloodwork unremarkable – u/s showed multiple ill-defined hypoechoic nodules in the liver with irregular capsular borders (benign hyperplasia, neoplasia) – round, hypoechoic mass in the pylorus causing outflow obstruction – althouth the pet was whining and panting during the exam,…

Renal mineralization vs. renolithiasis

10 year old mn DSH presented for urethral obstruction 3 days ago. Small stones were flushed out of the bladder and stone analysis is pending. Abdominal radiographs abnormal kidney size, shape, and renolithiasis. Abdominal US was done to look for any obstructive renal stones. The left kidney shows multiple, small stones with minor renal pelvic…

liver pathology

a 12tr old f/s dachshund presented for surgery to remove cutaneous adenomas that were bleeding. Pre op blwk showed alp 1436,alt,224,ggt8. urine sg 1026. she was scanned and three  still images are  sent. the adrenals were rounded and 8mm at cdl pole bilaterally, the portal vien velocity is less than 1.This was all incidental findings…

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