– 13 month old MN Savannah cat with a grade 3-4 continous heart murmur – echo was tough on this one! – hard to get really clear images but I am suspicious of a VSD – it looks like the flow through the VSD is bi-directional? – I could not get a TR jet to…
Small Liver nodule / IBD
This is a 13 year old Maltese F/S that has episodes of pain. Small liver on X-ray as well as US. I have few questions: 1.There are 2 small nodules that had a cyst appearance 12 month ago . Do I need to FNA now that looks more like a nodule? or just monitoring because…
Splenic “stump”
14 year old F/S Westie History:March 2011 – splenectomy – had large mass on spleen. Owner declined to send away July 2013 – pancreatitis Oct 2014 – golf-ball sized mammary mass removed. Owner declined to send away
Pre-an bloodwork WNLs.
SQ Mass and echymosis in a 5 year old Pit Bull
5 year old mn Pit Bull presented to emergency clinic 2 weeks ago for acute onset subcutaneous hematomas and bruising. There was no history of trauma. This dog had no bleeding problems at time of castration or in the years thereafter. Emergency clinic noted prolonged clotting times and treated with vitamin K and plasma.
Elevated ALT after previous PSS ligation
Shadow is a 6 year old MN, Miniature schnauzer 14#. Pet had a PSS which was reported as a vessel coming off the the gastric vessel and entering the caudal vena cava. His liver enymes returned to normal as did bile acids. The surgery was done several years ago. Currently has a mild elevated ALT on…