chronic clots in urine

chronic clots in urine

This is a 12 yr old Shih Tzu with a long list of ailments seizures,hypothyroid,asthma,atopy,and urinary tract infections.Since June she has been on and off ab’s with owner reporting seeing frank blood usuallu within days of stopping ab’s. Several urinalysis showed little , rbc’s never a particularly active sediment. C&S E Coli sensitive to many…

True and complex renal cysts in a 9 year old Yorkie

9 year old aysmptomatic MN Yorkshire Terrier presenting for senior wellness exam rDVm saw prominent spleen, prominent liver, and prominent heart on radiographs Normal echo and normal abdominal US exam except for multiple right renal cysts, one with an echogenic center My primary differentials are benign congenital renal cysts, benign acquired renal cysts, potentially infected renal cyst,…

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