Abdominal Mass

Abdominal Mass

– 3 year old FS overweight Lab x with history of anorexia and lethargy – bloodwork showed elevation in ALT (around 500) other parameters wnl; no cPLI run – chest rads suspicious of mass in cranial thorax – u/s showed a target-like lesion in the liver, a large cavitiated mass in the region of the…

intact female

Hi there,   Wondering if these US findings are enough to call this dog intact or active ovarian remnant. She is a 2 year old pitbull that according to history  had OVH done as a rescued dog. Her vulva is enlarged, cytology: proestrus US findings: enlarged cervix, left and right ovary. We are debating if…

Cystic structures near adrenal glands?

Hello, 8 year old Bichon X M/N dog presented to referring vet for dental cleaning. Elevated ALP and ALT found on pre-anesthetic bloodwork. Blood was sent away for confirmation to Idexx. ALP 532 (5-160) and ALT 304 (18-121) and bile acids pre 56 (0-7) and post 31 (0-15). Dental cleaning was put on hold pending…

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