Feline VSD?

Feline VSD?

– 2 year FS DSH with grade 6/6 systolic heart murmur since birth – echoe performed today without sedation (so a little wiggly) – pet sometimes seems to have lack of energy after running around but otherwise clinically doing well at home – I am wondering about the possibility of a VSD (have not had…

Liver mets from adrenal pheo

Had a 11 yo FS Lhasa with probable Cushing’s Odd looking liver in a patient with Cushings & now a probable pheo with phrenic vein invasion & CVC invasion Liver has large micro-cystic masses with some degree of encapsulationIs this a met from the pheo (have never seen one this big) or a hepatoma, cyst-adenoma??…

Splenic changes related to anemia?

strange looking spleen in a 14 yo N Terrier Mix with hx HAC (treated with Lisodren) x 1 yr Recent hx of anemia, vomiting (pancreatitis), inc ALP & ALT Her exam showed left adrenal capsular expansion with phrenic vein invasion (could not be seen to invade CVC), evidence of pancreatitis and a very strange looking…

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